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Acne is an inherited disorder of the pores – pores that shed dead skin cells much faster than normal.
Normal pores shed about one layer of dead skin cells per day inside the pore.
The acne-prone pore sheds up to five layers of dead skin cells per day and the body just can’t keep up. This forms the microcomedone, the beginning of all acne.
This genetic condition is called Retention Hyperkeratosis and it is the root cause of acne.
At the end of the month this build up of dead skin cells inside the pores caused a big, sticky mess! If the opening of the pore is still open enough that it is exposed to oxygen, a blackhead will form as oil gets trapped in the dead skin. Acne sufferes are also generally more oily, and this excess oil can easily get trapped in all that dead skin.
The black appearance is caused by the oxidation of oil, causing a change in the oil's color.
If the opening of the pore is so clogged and closed off that oxygen cannot get in, a pustule will form. Bacteria thrives in environments that are dark, moist, and void of oxygen. A specific type of bacteria feeds on the skin's oil, called the p.acnes bacteria (where the term acne comes from).
The bacteria sets up shop in your pores and causes inflammation and swelling on the pore walls as it grows and thrives. When your body sense bacteria present, it will send white blood cells to the area to kill it. Picture a war going on between the bacteria and white blood cells. Anytime this happens, some white blood cells will die, causing pus. And this is how you get red, swollen, inflammed whiteheads on your skin.
So as you can see, the build up of dead skin cells, or the Retention Hyperkeratosis, is the root cause of acne. If you weren't genetically shedding those 5 extra layers of skin cells everyday, you would not have persistent acne. Sure, you may have the occasional monthly breakout, but it wouldn't be a constant battle.
In order to become acne free, you must exfoliate inside of the pore every day, without fail. If you miss just one day, 5 layers of dead skin cells will build up inside the pore.
To clear the acne that is already present or forming as we speak underneath the skin's surface, we must also treat the symptoms of acne: inflammation (redness and swelling), bacteria, and excess oil.
Your daily product routine must include ingredients that...
When you purchase a Be Blessed Skincare Acne Kit you will receive a free e-book containing everything you need to know about getting clear and staying clear for life.
Did you ever notice that when you start using a new product your skin looks great, but after a while it stops working? Your skin adapts to products. The Acne Kit is designed to never stop working so you will always be moving towards clear skin. You will receive detailed daily product instructions to get you clear as fast as possible.
In the Be Blessed Skincare Acne e-book you will learn all about Acne Aggravators. While Retention Hyperkeratosis is the cause of your breakouts, there are many factors that can make your acne worse....from diet to supplements to cosmetics to the way you do your laundry. You will learn what to avoid or cut back on to help get clear skin FAST.
Start today and make acne a thing of the past. Get clear and stay clear for life!